On March 7th, attorneys from Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP participated in 4All – Lawyers…
Chad J. Cochran Serves as President of the 28th International Festival of Raleigh
Chad J. Cochran serves as the Board President of International Focus, Inc., the non-profit organization which presents the International Festival of Raleigh each year – http://www.internationalfestival.org/. Once again, the festival drew tens of thousands of attendants to downtown Raleigh and highlighted the contributions which 60+ international groups make to our community. Chad wrote a message for the festival program which reads as follows:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of International Focus, welcome to the 28th International Festival of Raleigh.
The festival celebrates our international diversity. As our community grows, all of us have firsthand experience with the positive impact expanding international groups have on our daily lives. We eat new food. We listen to new music. We view new art. We hear new ideas. We learn new points of view. And we make new friends. This is an exciting time for our community, and we hope that everyone uses the festival to experience and spotlight these exciting contributions.
International Focus, Inc. is the non-profit organization which hosts the festival each year. Our organization is based upon the premise that all of us are stronger together than we are apart. Our volunteers, staff, committees, officers, and directors all share the common goals of highlighting international assets and serving local international groups. We feel honored that thousands of individuals have become United States citizens at the swearing-in ceremony which begins our festival each year. We all love the festival and the vibrant history it carries. We embrace this strong foundation as our organization continues to build international events and services throughout the year.
Thank you once again for your support of International Focus, Inc. and the International Festival of Raleigh. Our diversity is our strength.
Chad J. Cochran