On March 7th, attorneys from Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP participated in 4All – Lawyers…
Nan Hannah’s Bar Association Leadership Gains National Recognition
Anyone that knows our firm knows that Nan Hannah has a huge heart. We constantly ask ourselves, “How does she do it all?!” She mentors young attorneys. She coaches youth basketball. She donates her time to dozens of community programs. She bakes. And she leads local and state bar associations groups.
Nan’s latest passion involves making certain that North Carolina’s aging attorney population has the opportunity to retire with dignity. Formally, Nan chairs the Transitioning Lawyers Commission of the North Carolina Bar Association. Informally, Nan speaks with lawyers and judges about how to best address this difficult topic. She regularly speaks to groups around the South concerning how to best wind down a legal practice before cognitive impairment ends a distinguished career on a sour note.
The American Bar Association recently published an article highlighting this important work: http://www.americanbar.org/publications/bar_leader/2013-14/january-february/north_carolina_bar_association_offers_TLC_lawyers_cognitive_impairment.html
Thank you, Nan.