If you’ve been following the progress of the Corporate Transparency Act, and more specifically, the…
This past June, the Wake County Board of Commissioners decided to put a referendum on the November ballot to raise the local sales tax rate by ½ percent. The purpose of the tax increase is to help foot the bill for half of Wake County’s $2.3 billion transit plan. The transit plan includes a 37-mile commuter rail to link Raleigh and the surrounding areas, including Durham and RTP. The plan also would expand bus routes across Wake County. Proponents of the tax increase claim it will address budgetary issues and allow Wake County infrastructure to grow with its ever-expanding population. Opponents believe that the tax increase will place undue economic strain on Wake County residents. To read more about Wake County’s transit plan and the tax increase referendum before heading to the polls this November, go to www.waketransit.com.