Summary: Zachary Layne is a newly named Partner at Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP in…
Evaluating Employee Productivity in the Age of Millennials
Who is worth more to your business?
A) Employee who sits at his/her desk for 8 hours per day and generates $800 in profit per day.
B) Employee who works 4 hours per day at the office, the rest at home, and generates $900 in profit per day.
C) Employee who rarely comes to the office, works almost entirely at home, and generates $1000 in profit per day.
Managers who strictly favor the traditional office model would select option A, emphasizing the benefits of office morale, longevity, etc. On the other hand, millennial managers reject the notion that productivity is measured by time at your desk and would lean toward option C. Millennials stress efficiency over time spent. Efficiency is measured by a company’s metrics.
Is your business considering a move toward workplace flexibility? If so, what are the state of your business’ metrics to evaluate productivity? What are the repercussions for a remote employee who does not meet their metrics?
If you or your business are considering these types of changes, we hope you find this article helpful: https://www. how-millennials-will-change- management.