If you’ve been following the progress of the Corporate Transparency Act, and more specifically, the…
Politics and economics create interesting conundrums – this is not a news flash. The Triangle Business Journal points this out in an article on the new Atlantic Coast Pipeline which is about to wind its way north to south across eastern North Carolina. From the construction industry perspective (and without getting into either the politics or the economics), beware of this project. As with anything that is long and underground, making certain you get paid for your work is difficult. This is a private project so there may be a payment bond, but one is not required by law. There may be “dirt” lien rights, but factoring those parcel by parcel will be nearly impossible. So, a lien upon funds is the only relatively certain protection for subcontractors and suppliers. Still, this project will provide a boon for the construction industry or at least those parts of that industry that install pipe. Read the article here: http://www.bizjournals.com/triangle/news/2017/05/05/atlantic-coast-pipeline-in-n-boon-for-some-burden.html