At Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP, thoughtful planning drives our commitment to exceptional client service…
By now, many who receive the HSC newsletter are aware that 2018 proved to be a year of challenges and transitions for this law firm. We weathered those storms and are working through 2019 with a positive outlook about the bright future ahead. As part of that, we want to re-introduce our line-up.
Nan Hannah, a partner in the firm, continues practicing in hopes of improving her skills as a lawyer every day. Nan spends much of her time assisting material suppliers and others in the construction industry with commercial collections, contract review and negotiation, creditor’s rights in bankruptcy, and is a certified mediator in the North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission’s Civil Superior Court mediated settlement program. She also is experienced in the world of appellate practice. Nan is being trained by a 10-pound gray tabby cat named Sasha and recently added a 12-pound brown tabby cat named Carter. Nan loves to cook, read and travel.
Chad Cochran, also a partner in the firm, is a native of Tennessee and Vols’ fan. Chad assists businesses whether it is in formation, mergers, sales or acquisitions, or protecting their interests in civil litigation. Chad works with clients in the construction industry and beyond. His experience includes litigation in the federal courts as well as the North Carolina state court system, and arbitration and mediation. Chad is a world traveler when allowed to slip away from the office for some well-deserved time off.
Emily Anne Buttrick is the newest attorney at HSC having joined the team in October. Emily Anne came to us with three years of civil litigation experience including trial work and dispute resolution opportunities. She is a newlywed who also enjoys traveling (are you sensing a theme here?). Emily Anne has her feet under her in this new position and is looking forward to fostering relationships with HSC’s clients and to developing her own client base.
Kendall Rush is our senior paralegal. She is an Appalachian State University graduate and completed the paralegal program at Meredith College. She is a certified paralegal.
Bethany Sneed joined our firm the same day Emily Anne did. A graduate of North Carolina Central University, Bethany received her paralegal training at UNC-Chapel Hill. She is quickly learning the ropes here at HSC and looks forward to assisting our clients.
One of the most shocking events of 2018 was Paul Sheridan’s cancer diagnosis. Paul retired effective October 23, 2018 to devote time to his family and his treatment. He is constantly in our thoughts and prayers as he fights the disease.
As we enter 2019, the Hannah Sheridan & Cochran team looks forward to working with our clients to meet their legal needs. And, as always, we welcome the opportunity to meet and serve new clients so please consider referring business to us. Thank you for your continuing support of our firm.