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4ALL Statewide Service Day – March 6, 2020
On March 6, 2020, the North Carolina Bar Foundation will hold their annual 4All Statewide Service Day program. This program allows individuals from across the State of North Carolina to connect with volunteer attorneys for free legal information.
Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP are proud participants in the Raleigh 4All Service Day.
Attorneys will be stationed in seven locations to field calls: Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Wilmington, Greenville, Fayetteville, and Raleigh. These locations will operate from 7AM to 7PM.
Please note that the phone numbers for this event should only be accessed during the 12-hour window in which N.C. attorneys are answering the phones, and that the statewide service day is a telephone-only program.
Asheville: 1-800-289-0013
Charlotte: 1-866-616-4255
Fayetteville: 910-884-3907
Greensboro: 1-866-690-3100
Greenville: 1-888-616-0614
Raleigh: 919-744-3861
Wilmington: 910-386-5540