On March 7th, attorneys from Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP participated in 4All – Lawyers…

A Reminder For All Licensed Contractors And Trades
Many years ago, a lawyer for whom I have the utmost respect told me that he sat down every New Year’s Day and re-read the Rules of Criminal Procedure from start to finish. That is a tedious assignment to give one’s self, but since his day-to-day representation of clients involved individuals whose liberty, and sometimes life, was at stake, he believed it essential to being his best.
What does this have to do with construction trade licenses? Whether a general contractor or a licensed trade, those who work in the construction industry need to know the rules of the road. The consequences of practicing general contracting without a license, for example, can be catastrophic for an individual or a company. And, that can occur to anyone who might sign a contract to oversee a project if the value of that contract begins at, or grows via change orders to exceed, $29,999.99. Did you know that the customer may not have to pay you for your work? Did you know that there can be criminal sanctions?
And, did you know, that if you are a trade contractor, but you take on projects with a contract value that begins above or grows to exceed $29,999.99 and you are not working under the direction of a licensed general contractor, you need to have a general contractor’s license?
There are many ways to cross the threshold and put yourself and your business at risk. Check out the following websites for more detailed information:
NC Licensing Board for General Contractors: https://nclbgc.org/faq-contractors/
NC State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Contractors: https://nclicensing.org/
NC State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors: https://www.ncbeec.org/
Or, contact the lawyers at Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, 919-859-6840 or www.hscattorneys.com for more information.