At Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP, thoughtful planning drives our commitment to exceptional client service…
North Carolina Bar Foundation Program Partner
Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP is a proud Foundation Program Partner of the North Carolina Bar Foundation (“NCBF”). We support the programs and mission of the North Carolina Bar Foundation. That mission is “to be a power of greater good for the people of North Carolina.”
The funds generated by Program Partners are used to serve North Carolinians statewide. Programs which include pro bono and civic education offerings. Sample programs in which our attorneys are directly involved include 4ALL-Lawyers on Call (the NCBF’s annual day of service), participation in middle and high school career fairs, and speaking opportunities in schools. The NCBF also offers Wills for Heroes (providing estate planning documents for first responders), NC Free Legal Answers, Name Change Clinics (for LBGTQ+ citizens), and the Entrepreneurs Assistance Program.
Assisting the citizens of North Carolina in access to justice, while providing teachers with assistance in explaining civics to our youth, aligns well with our firm’s goals and we are thrilled to have an opportunity to support the NCBF.
To see how you can support NCBF programs see the following: