On March 7th, attorneys from Hannah Sheridan & Cochran, LLP participated in 4All – Lawyers…
Spring Cleaning – Legal Style: Updating Your Important Legal Documents
We all tend to want to use springtime as a time to clean up so we can go into the summer season clear off the dirt and clutter that can form over the winter. It is not a bad idea to review your important legal documents with the approach of beautiful spring weather. Is your will up to date? Do you have a financial power of attorney, healthcare power-of-attorney, an advanced directive and a HIPPA release form? North Carolina’s statutory short power of attorney form is found here: http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_32A/GS_32A-1.html. Are your corporate documents up to date with the Secretary of State’s office? Standard forms are available here: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/printforms.aspx. Where are you in your business lease cycles whether for your office or office equipment? Take some time and spring clean your legal documents and make certain all are current and fully protect your current needs and interests.